Safety upgrade project of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, Phase III, engineering, designing and construction of the BB2 building

Seismically qualified, flood-proof and strengthened building.

Safety upgrade project of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, Phase III, engineering, designing and construction of the BB2 building

The foundation height point of the BB2 building is located 9.5 m below ground level. As the preparation for the construction of the BB2 building, which will be in the close vicinity of the Sava river, we had to execute a protective construction of the construction pit made of an anchored waterproof diaphragm wall. The BB2 building will be a massive reinforced concrete elemment with a 2 m thick baseplate and 1.5 m thick peripheral walls. Due to an extremly dense reinforcment, we will have to prepare a special procedure of binding reinforcement and installing concrete. 

Deadline for completion of work: September 2021

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